Publication Ethics


Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement

Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion is dedicated to upholding the ethical behaviour and standards of publication throughout the publication process.

Key expectations of editors, peer-reviewers, and authors are summarized below:


Duties should be carried out by editor in fair way without discrimination on any basis. Chief editor is responsible for final decision on publication of manuscript.

Decision on manuscript shall be solely on the intellectual and academic merit of manuscript without commercial influence.

Editors and editorial staff must not disclose any information or content of the manuscript to anyone except authors, reviewers and editorial staff of the concerned manuscript.

In the event of complaint or conflict, a fair and reasonable procedure must be followed according to the policies and procedure of journal. Authors must be required to address and respond to the complaint or conflict. Communication or document related to grievance or conflict should be retained by chief editor. Submitted manuscript must be screened for plagiarism and plagiarised manuscript must be immediately rejected without further review.

Unpublished or rejected manuscript material disclosed in submitted manuscript confidentiality must be maintained.


Author must ensure that submitted manuscript is completely original and if authors have adopted or used any work of others this must be properly cited or acknowledged or quoted. Author must obtain permission to reproduce any content or figure or picture from other sources.

Author must not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals at the time because such action constitutes unethical publishing practice and is unacceptable. Manuscripts violating ethical practice of publication will be immediately rejected without further review.

Author must declare potential conflicts of interest which might be financial or other applicable conflicts of interest and could be influencing the duties of author, results or interpretation of their manuscript. Sources of support must be disclosed in manuscript.

Author must cite the ethical statement in the studies involving human or animals and must confirm that approval has been taken prior to the study. These studies must conform to institutional, local, national and international laws and requirements. In case of human subjects author must cite consent of subjects and must not disclose personal data or their identification in any form.

Author should inform to the chief editor if any substantial corrections or errors are found in their publication so that error can be corrected as an erratum, addendum or retraction of manuscript whichever necessary and applicable.

Authorship in manuscript should be limited to those who have made substantial contribution to the manuscript. Other non-significant contributors should be acknowledged wherever necessary. Corresponding author must be responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have agreed to be the part of submitted manuscript and have approved the final version of manuscript before publication.


Reviewers must maintain the confidentially of the manuscript and must not show or discuss the manuscript with others except chief editor.

Reviewers must alert to the chief editor in case they find that manuscript under review has similarity with published material.

Reviewers must alert the chief editor in case they find potential conflict of interest with authors of manuscript or anyone associated as contributor in manuscript. If deemed necessary, reviewer must not review manuscript involving potential conflict of interest.

Reviewers must alert the chief editor if any sources are not cited or acknowledged in manuscript.

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